An Important Message Regarding Deferments

An Important Message Regarding Deferments

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We at Chi Ishobak hope this letter finds you and your families in good health as the country continues to move forward.  This is an important reminder you need to be aware of.

As the economy continues to strengthen and gain momentum, Chi Ishobak’s Administrative Deferment Period is ending.  Per our previous correspondence, the Administrative Deferment Period is effective from May 1, 2020, through July 31, 2020.   Loan Payments will resume and are due August 1, 2020.

There have been substantial changes during the past few months.  Mainly, the suspension of Per Capita Distributions by the Tribe due to the closing of Four Winds Casino Resort operations.  As a reminder, Per Capita direct deposits are only a payment method.  Not receiving Per Cap does not mean that you are not required to make your loan payments.  You need to select an alternate payment method to satisfy your debt service.


Please choose the payment method below that you utilized prior to the COVID-19 Administrative Deferment to determine how you will make your loan payment(s) moving forward.  If you have any questions, please contact us at (269) 783-4157.

Clients utilizing PER CAPITA –
For clients utilizing Per Capita Distributions, you need to contact our office to discuss an alternative method of payment.  Please note that if you do not contact us or if your contact information is not updated and we cannot communicate with you and loan payments are not made, your loan may become delinquent and may reach default status resulting in legal action.

Clients Utilizing ACH –
Payments will continue to be deducted utilizing the bank account on file.  If you wish to change accounts, please contact our office. Please not that moving forward, ALL loan payments will be due on the 1st or the 15th of every month.  Please contact our office if your original payment date is not set up on either one of these dates for further discussion.

Clients utilizing ADP through Employee Payroll –              
Payment dates in August will vary depending on your employer.  If you have been furloughed or are no longer employed with the company, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible to arrange a new preferred payment method.

Clients utilizing Four Winds Payroll Deduction –
If you have remained employed or have recently been brought back into your position after being furloughed, no changes need to be made.  If you are no longer employed with Four Winds Casino, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible to arrange a new preferred payment method.


We understand there is still a variety of situations that our clients are experiencing.  While everyone is being affected in a different way, we need to do our best to move forward.  We also realize you may have questions and concerns as we move forward, just know that we are here to work with our clients as much as possible within our capacity. 

Please contact us by phone at (269) 783-4157 or email us at  to ensure that you are prepared to resume loan payments on August 1, 2020.  We are maintaining limited office hours from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM until further notice.  We will be available to speak with you in person by appointment-only following restrictions and guideline recommendations by the CDC and the Tribe. 

Take care, be safe, and be healthy,
The Chi Ishobak Team